Hinckley Churches
2020 Hinckley Churches
Town Centre Churches
United Reformed
Trinity Lane
Trinity Community
St Peters
St Marys
Salvation Army
Holy Trinity
This page is still in its experimental stage
and may not contain accurate information
Rest your mouse on one of the church buttons
on the left to see all the activities that they run
throughout the week
Rest your mouse on one of the days of the week
on the right to see all the events that take place on that
day in all the churches
Hinckley Baptist Church
Baptist Walk
LE10 1PR
Tel: 01455 890026
Email: admin@hinckleybaptist.com
Our services are put together and posted on YouTube at 10.45am on
Sundays. People can access the link via our website or the Hinckley
Baptist Church info Facebook page. But you won’t be able to access
the link until the time mentioned as the idea is for us to worship
“together “ as much as possible.
Currently only Foodbank is running whilst lockdown is on. This is part
of Hinckley Area Foodbank and we are open on Wednesdays from
11am-1pm. People can drop off donations during this time as well, or
email/phone (01455 890026) to arrange dropping off donations at any
other time.
Hinckley Methodist Church
The Salvation Army
Salvation Army
Lancaster Rd
LE10 0WA
Tel: 01455 251008
Major Carol Evans : Email: hinckley@salvationarmy.org.uk
During the Covid-19 crisis we are unable to open up for group
activities or worship. However, we continue to serve people who are in
need of support, mostly through the provision of food
Sunday worship during this time:
Our members receive short video thoughts via Whatsapp; and
worship sheets via email or post. We are then linking in to other
online Salvation Army worship services. If anyone wishes to be
included in any of this, please get in touch via
Hinckley@salvationarmy.org.uk or else call to speak with Major Carol
Evans on 01455 251008
St Marys Parish Church
St Marys
Church Walk
LE10 1DW
Tel 01455 234241
Email: office@stmaryshinckley.co.uk
For details of anything that is still going on at the Church Premises go to
our website and subscribe to our Newsletter.
For Sunday worship details during this time, see our You tube link.
St Peters Roman Catholic Church
St Peters
Trinity Community Church
Trinity Community
Trinity Lane Christian Church
Sunday Services 10.30am
More information at
Trinity Lane
Hinckley United Reformed Church
United Reformed
The Borough
LE10 1NL
Tel: 01455 637518
Email: church@hinckleyurc.org.uk
Sunday Worship is being recorded and appears on YouTube each
In addition to this there are children's activities taking place via Zoom.
These take place on Wednesdays in the form of story telling for
teenies and toddlers (at 10.00am and 1.30pm) and "Just for fun" -
quizzes/bingo etc - for slightly older children at 6.30pm in the
All the above can be accessed on the church website
http://hinckleyurc.org.uk via the highlighted link on the home page.
Alternatively access via Facebook at
Wednesday Events